

We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shape.
Risk takers will always shape the century and the lazy will always fake it all.
Even the flying birds get's out from the nest and feed the stomach.
While some just sit down and curse the universe.
A healthy life brings the battle and a battle decides the winner.
It's not the battle of rich vs poor, neither the collaboration of armies, daily struggle is enough to raise your bar.
Always remember creator has always a plan for you, it is you who choose how to react and how to reach.
Patience, hardwork and dedication are the key for success.
Sitting idle and doing nothing is worse than a failure.
If you cannot fight then take a tool and write.

© Fareed Ahmad khan