

Weights On My Shoulder
Mother never comprehend me. The way she communicates is yelling, screaming. Yet, I'd like to think she tried. She's able to show her rage. Too bad I'm too shut to express mine.

Father was there, he only witnessed my childhood. Yet, I'm thankful he's gone before my adolescence, I'm sick of trauma destructed reputation, and aches. He's making promises yet again, but it doesn't excite me anymore, none of his promises were kept.
In his "I love yous" I must admit I fell, Yet until now, I can tell how that, I never felt.

When father left, there's my brother. He loves hitting me the same way papa did to my mother. I guess that's why I feel my father everywhere. I can not blame him, he's filled w trauma, pain & rage. He's always been understood. "Try to understand him, you know what he went through" mom said.

As I witnessed everything
My world stopped since then
I got stuck being that little girl
carrying the weight
of my father's rage, and my mom's burden
Thus, it feels weird how everyone's life
just keeps going

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