

Don't judge me by my color
But by my prestige
Don't call me inferior
For darkness precedes light
Black boy I am
The bony structure of me is white
Even though I'm covered
With the ebony deep blacknees of my skin
Yet I am rich
Full of beauty, pride and braveness
The genetic makeup of my fathers
Is made with golden braveness of a Liger
The naivety of my mothers
Raw, fresh, soft and valiant
Like a sinner from Eden
The dialect of my tongue
Promises extravagant tenderness of my soul
The technical innovation of black sense
Is your literature of aghast articraft
The honest land I walk
Sheltered with the temperate rays of heavens golden suit
Is the primitive paradise on earth
Built with accentual aroma of seasoned dialect
Promising young black bo I'm
Better than thousands of white racists
Clothed in duplicate honest of Zebra
Your 'devil horse' has black shoes
So does my legs, blonde soles
Even though black is your symbol of evil
It is the underpants of Whitemen
I'm a black boy
The innocent race with promising beauty
And my dear color is my pride.
