

You were the first one to hear me cry
You swaddled me at night and let your own sleep go awry
You'd feed me everyday, every month, every week
Even if it drained you and made you weak
You stayed awake to clean my mess
And when I'd tear it up you'd sow up my dress
You'd laugh with me, and taught me words
Showed me the sky, the clouds, the birds
I took my first steps toward you, you taught me to walk
And from my broken babbles you taught me to talk
Even when you had to work, you would find a way
To keep me happy and pick me from school everyday
You heard about my fights and friend
In long stories that would seem to never end
You showed me morals, what were and weren't
You taught me the lessons that I hadn't learnt
You knew about my first crush, and the heartbreak that followed
You silently brought me food in my room all day while I wallowed
Your hand was on my shoulder as I walked through it all
You walked five steps behind me to catch me when I fall
And after all that I would ask you why
Love, you would answer, with a chuckle and a cry
But can love really be so strong
To keep you attached to someone their whole life long
Your lovers might leave you, friends gone and absent brother
But one person you can always turn to is your mother