

Hold your journey !!!!!
In the shadows where doubts may dwell,
Don't let despair your story tell.

For it's not the end, but a new start,
Discover the strength within your heart.

Ask yourself, in thoughtful view,
What you deserve, in life pursue.

Realize the power that you possess,
In your capabilities, find success.

It's the beginning, not the final page,
In this journey, let hope engage.

Recognize the best version of you,
Extraordinary, amazing, shining through.

Amidst the dust, where dreams may hide,
Cleanse the soul, let ambitions guide.

Believe in yourself, you're the best,
A truth within, no need to attest.

No external voice need proclaim,
Your worth, your essence, your flame.

Think for yourself, do for your art,
For you are the masterpiece, a work of heart.