

people turn into memories.
if I were to talk about love
then I'd tell everyone about my mom
she was a calm woman
a woman who has a big smile
she was the strongest I knew of
her love kept us away from
our dad's rage

it's funny how I speak of my mother
as a past tense
I'd say yes because I feel like
I just know the old version of her
my home was full of rage
slamming of doors, breaking of things
but she still stood with us
not one day did she not love us .

one day she woke up ,
she did all the cleaning and laundry
she said she'd come back the following day
days turned into weeks ,weeks turned into months
months turned into tears
I still love her ,there's a inner child in me
that still wants for her.
but I guess we're different now
times change and people do too
priorities change But I'd still wish
to sit in one table with her.