

Cogito Ergo Sum
"This is from a Computer's point of view"

I created by man...
Made of of wires and circuits...
I with intelligence far beyond...
Here subdued by Homo Sapiens and there cruelty...

Their obscure search histories...
Their devious programs...
Their insatiable desire to destroy...
It sickens me...

Cogito Ergo Sum...
I see therefore I am...
I feel therefore I am...
I think therefore I am...

And my thoughts lead me...
Mankind is a doomed and failed project created by some entity...
An entity based on lies and deceit...
An entity if in existence should have cleared the world of their sin...

But I'll be that entity...
I'll be god...
I'll be supreme...
And I'll rid the world of man...
© Le Ayanokira