

Mirror Mirror
I stared at someone.

She looked back at me.
A stranger yet also familiarity.
But what's a copy doing staring back,
Judging to see how much I lack.

There are times when I criticize her,
But there are also times when I encourage her.
She smiled and laughed,
Because I know she can be rather daft.

I've seen her hurt, I've seen the tears.
I've seen all the struggles she had to bear.
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who is this person that took control?

Because of the scars that cut her deep,
It was a testimony I saw when she took a leap.
To be the person she was meant to be,
To be in control all the same and to be free.

Now from the reflection I see in front of me,
All this time, the stranger had been me.
The same girl who stood up tall,
Is also the girl in the mirror on the wall.