

The boy with the reflective dark eyes
In halls of learning, echoes ring,
A boy with eyes that secrets bring.
Reflective black, within the class,
A glimpse of worlds beyond the glass.

In textbooks heavy, knowledge blooms,
His gaze transcends conventional rooms.
A scholar dreaming, thoughts unfold,
In the boy with eyes of stories old.

The chalkboard whispers lessons vast,
A canvas for his musings cast.
Reflective eyes, windows to inquire,
In the realm of academia's fire.

Through crowded halls, he wanders free,
The boy with eyes that seek to see.
Beyond the desks and rigid norms,
In quest of wisdom that transforms.

In lectures deep, a universe unfurls,
In the gaze of the boy, knowledge swirls.
Reflective black, a scholar's guide,
In the corridors where dreams reside.