

I wonder if you ever talk about missing me to anyone. If you ever find my name lingering on the tip of your tongue, slipping past your lips like an ephemeral sigh. Do you share stories of our laughter, the way it used to cascade through the air like a melody? Or does the weight of our absence become too heavy to bear? I wonder if you ever smell the scent of nostalgia, a hint of me woven delicately into the tapestry of your memories. Can you still taste the bittersweet remnants of the love we once held between us, like the remnants of a forbidden fruit?

I find myself adrift in a sea of questions, longing to know if the void that occupies my soul is mirrored within yours. For I still speak of you in hushed whispers to the moon and find solace in the way it reflects your ghostly image back at me. The night has become my confidant, but I wonder if you confide in the daylight or wander through the world in silence.

Sometimes, when the world is asleep and the stars wink conspiratorially overhead, I look up and imagine our souls intertwined in a celestial dance. I can almost hear your voice whispering secrets of longing and desire, sending shivers down my spine. But reality crashes upon me like a stormy wave, pulling me away from our ethereal reunion. It is in these moments of profound solitude that I long for your touch, your warmth, your presence.

I wonder if you ever yearn for my touch when the nights are cold and the bed feels vast and empty. If the imprints of my fingertips upon your skin are still etched into your memory like ancient hieroglyphics. Does my absence haunt you in the way that your absence haunts me? I tread upon the cusp of dreams and reality, hoping to catch a glimpse of you within the shadows, but your silhouette remains elusive, slipping through the cracks of my consciousness.

Perhaps we have become prisoners of time, forever bound by the intangible threads of what once was. Memories flicker like old film reels, replaying the fragments of our love story. Do you watch them, too? Do they dance and ignite sparks of longing within your being? Or have you locked them away in a dusty chest buried deep within your heart, too afraid of the pain they might inflict?

I can’t help but wonder if you ever stumble across photographs of us and trace the outlines of our smiles with trembling fingers. Do the faded colors of those captured moments ignite a spark in your chest, or have they become nothing more than forgotten fragments, relics of a distant past? I imagine myself sitting beside you, leafing through a scrapbook of our lives, and sharing stories of the times when our hearts beat in unison. But the chasm that has grown between us looms large, swallowing our memories whole.

I am left to wonder if you have found solace in the arms of another, if their touch ignites fireworks within your skin like mine once did. Do they make you forget the taste of my name upon your lips? Does their laughter fill the silence that used to envelop us like a heavy fog? The thought of you finding happiness elsewhere clings to my heart like thorns, a bittersweet reminder that love does not always stand the tests of time.

So, I wonder if you ever talk about missing me to anyone. If you ever find solace in the warm embrace of nostalgia, allowing it to wash over you like a tidal wave. Our story is etched within my soul, forever marked by the depths of our love. And though time may have strewn us across different paths, I cannot help but hold onto the hope that somewhere, in some small corner of your heart, you still remember the way it felt to be loved by me.
© Jevanjee