

A special message to all♥
Tarry not towards the end,
Await and appreciate,
As you are now,
Your sorrow and your joy...
are not permanent but rather temporary..
they not only come to hurt but also to restore..
laugh,smile, love ..do everything and anything to keep your joy..
because your joy is nothing but your way to joy..
nobody wants to mope around and somber all day long.. no we all wanna laugh, love and smile.
Be happy, be joyous.. you're the only source of joy.. find it and instill it in you..
don't look or mind what "they", all that matters is YOU.. HEY YOU.. yes you the one reading this.. SMILE, WALK WITH YOUR HEAD HELD HIGH, LIVE FOR YOU.. whatever you do.. KEEP YOURSELF HAPPY....ALWAYS
© Thandy.M