

Invisible Thread 🪡

The invisible threads that cut deep into my skin,
Woven with memories, where my story begins.
They pull at my heart, with a soft, gentle crave,
Binding me closer to the love that I save.

The invisible thread that ignites a desire,
Fanning the flames of a hidden fire.
It makes me remember what it means to feel whole,
A light in the darkness, a balm for my soul.

The invisible threads that teach me to love once more,
Like whispers of wind, they knock on my door.
Each tug on my heartstrings reveals something new,
A canvas of feelings, painted just for you.

The invisible thread that wraps me in ease,
Lulling me softly like a delicate breeze.
But lurking beneath the comfort it brings,
Are echoes of loneliness that haunt the heartstrings.

The invisible threads that make nothing seem right,
Cast shadows and doubts in the depths of the night.
Yet through all the chaos, I search for the light,
For love's invisible threads still hold me so tight.

In the web that surrounds me, I find my own way,
Learning from each thread that wishes to sway.
Through heartache and joy, I will choose to believe,
In the beauty of love, in the threads we weave.
© Quinme