

I didn't forget my past i just buried it
Built it a beautiful grave since it was ugly and also put roses on it
Left a chair next to it, thats where i sit when i visit
I tell it stories about the life im now living
Dear past...
I am in the present now
I am no longer your prisoner
There'll be a future thats better than you
You treated me badly but i will not pee on you
You were my Pioneer
I wouldn't be here if it were not for you
I appreciate you but i hate you
For all that you had me do
For all that you put me through
Past you took a lot from me
Now Present has to help me get over it before Future gets here
Cause Future wants to offer me new stuff; no grief just love
But hey, i have to get rid of the hate you had me have
All your voices in my head wont behave
I thought a voice was supposed to be the first thing to forget but hey
I still remember how she sounded on her death bed
Fighting for her life but failing
Suffering but yet still smiling
She told me everything was going to be alright
Even though she knew that was her last night
I regret not showing her more love before that
I regret not praying for her
I was ten and stupid
They say if you don't appreciate something you lose it
I guess thats true
I hate to relieve this timeline 😪