

The fragrance I needed to smell
For a while, I lost my sense of smell
Took every aid–medical, and spiritual, still a hell
When all scents picked by my nose fell
The loss persisted while I resisted

Curiosity took me to the culinary
The eager to smell invited me to all confectionary
I perceived every word associated with the kitchen in the dictionary
Alas! It's all frutile until I found a sanctuary

By the words of Rūmi I was diagnosed
"If you can't smell the fragrance, don't come into the garden of love"
Exciting! Here comes the fragrance I needed to dig in my nose

My nose has been active and retrieved its loss, smelling YOU
In YOU, I smell the Eden roses
Perceiving a soft BALQĪS when I kiss a rose
Seeing a light that shines up my steeze
Feeling a heart that my heart yearns for its melt

What a fantastic world if I always have your smell!
Bring YOU closer to my nose so that I don't use a hose
I've found YOU in the Eden of Rose
Allow me to pluck, and I'd fulfil my goal
© Adam Ayyub