

Big Bad Wolf
Tick tock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock.
Open our eyes to what we do not see but what is laid out in plain sight. Open our eyes to what our world has come too.
This is a hidden world full of malice and people who are crule. People who breed evil intentions because of their greed.
A world where the innocent catch the highest price and the money that is being paid is made off of many others' hurt and their pain.
The alarm is ringing, you don't hear the sound? Wake up! Wake up! The clock it is screaming, "IT'S NOT ALL IN YOUR HEAD!" This is actually happing it's not a story, it's real and it's true, it's time to get up and take action; time for us to make something happen, its time to protect our our children from the big bad wolf.
Hours are going out the window minute by minute but mere seconds are all that is left. Yet, no one says a word, no one makes a move, and no one takes a stand.
If you could only have experienced the things that I have then maybe someone would do something, maybe someone would believe me; maybe they would try to understand.
Some people know about what I'm saying but choose to ignore what going on. They know but like an ostrach, bury their heads in the sand. Some people do this out of shame for the parts they have played. Some people do this because it's easier to ignore then take a stand, and some people do this out of fear for their family and fear of retribution.
Children from the cradle to the grave are nothing more then skin and bones, nothing more then dolls and even dolls are sometimes treated better then these little ones. Green paper and slaves is what the object of this game.
The biggest organization is really to blame. They come and say they are protecting those who can't protect themselves but this is just a cover for what's really going down.
They are ripping our children straight from our hands and their is nothing a mother or father can do when your child is in their arms and leaving out the door.
How helpless a parent feels as they watch the best gift go out the door, get placed into a dirty CPS car seat; while tears roll down their cheeks. they turn and look at you with confusion in their eyes.
The question that must be on their mind, you don't want me anymore, you don't love me, where are they taking me? Please mommy, help me, please, please, please, help.
There is still nothing a parent can do as the engine roars, the transmission is put in gear, and the tires began to roll.
As the car gets smaller in the distance and then disappears. The clock is still ticking, tick' tock, tick' tock. What hollow and ominous sound the clock has as time is running down. Oh, who am I kidding, time has not run down it has run out.