

Playlist For a friend challenge
hey! another challenge for yall. please attempt and I've personally challenged you to this 😄
you can post a poem with a song Playlist you would think suits the writing style of any of your writco friends and post with #playlistforafriend

I made for one friend @helzashine (also remember this should be based on their writing style, not personality. because it may sometimes hurt them.)

1. cradles // sub urban
2. savage // baha.ri
3. bapsae// BTS
4. Phzyco // Red Velvet
5. Mi Gente // I don't know who..

ok that's it, challenge anyone you want. Ok bye
© mochaparker

and also please use the same cover for your #playlistforafriend challenge poems

this is how u do it.

1. analyze the person's writing sty,e
2.,then try to remember a few songs that you think would suit that person's style
3. post it under this hashtag #playlistforafriend

thanks to @Kevin_Anthony for initiating this challenge 🤗