

Who am I?
In a world where meaning lays beneath every surface and behind every corner.

Where symbolism and opinions are posted everywhere.

Where art brings people to their knees, with tears in their eyes.

Who am I?

Who am I to believe I can impact anyone about anything?

Who am I to try and display meaning feebly where others have done much better before me?

Who am I to think what I have to say is worth anything?

After all, isn't it just an attempt to make what I found out through my mistakes worth something in the end?

But I do it anyways.


May sleep bring comfort to the tired,

And peace be to the uninspired.

In dreams, you will awake,

And bring yourself towards grace.

In death, don't close your eyes,

In pain, don't run, just cry.

In life, give it your best,

There's only a moment left.

May my words impact just one person.

© Tobias Winters.

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