

Dream Cafe
When you wander
In a dark, and scary forest
And your heart
Is shrouded in darkness

You will lose your way
No light will meet your gaze
And when all hope is lost
That's when it will appear

In a vast, open plain
Where the grass is amazingly green
The butterflies dance in the air
And the wind sings magically

The sun will blind your eyes
And warm your cold heart
There in the middle, you'll see
A quiant cottage

When you open the door
You'll be greeted by a lady
Her welcoming warm smile
Rests your soul that was weary

She'll ask you how you are
While offering a cup of tea
Without a hint of a lie
You let out your worries

She'll listen wholeheartedly
As you let out your problems
She'll wipe your tears
And console your troubled mind

When you let out everything
She'll whip up something
A taste from a time long ago
To fill you up with good feelings

Now you're finished
You're no longer worried
Your smile is your payment
She hopes to see you again

You open your eyes
Dawn finally breaks
Your resolve strengthened
You start out your day

When you feel tired
When you feel blue
Just remember Dream Cafe
Is welcome to serve you

© Merii Hart