

Sometimes I want to write but don't know what to say
But when I go through some poetry of my fellow writers
I felt unworthy and I felt I wasn't good enough.
Sometimes I think about William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson then things become worse.
I believe in illusion but with competition, it makes me nervous. We all seeking approval but if only I could find someone to cheer me up in this world.
The journey was between me and I, so I found that one person and it was me. I realized I'm my biggest lover and no matter what I have to support myself. Within my soul, I found someone beckoning on me. How I wish I had known him all this while.
They all profess love but when benefits end nothing to show for it. it's sad but no one could love me as me. I won't judge you, cause I only try to judge myself. I owe no one an apology I can only chastise myself. And Most of the time beat myself.
They can't read my poem because I'm black. But my skin is not as black as the colour 🎨. I wish they could call me Brown, but colour can't be defined by God's image.
The destination I cling to and even when the world is against me, I watch and fight my other self. The world is not the hindrance but what I choose to believe. Don't judge 'cause I've never judged you.
Let me run this race 🏃, please don't help me with the cross. it's a burden but it's not determined by how heavy it is but by how determined I am. I'm weary but I won't ask for help cause I see your glory in my weakness.
I won't faint but even in my death, I still won't bend to my belief. Call it egoism. It's nothing but spectacles. If you wanna teach me, please keep the camera aside. It's you and I not for the world to appraise you.
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