

All about the brew.

well I wish my birth stone was a coffee bean 🌰
Ever since I like my coffee brew ☕
I like to see the steam ♨
If you love coffee you should know what I mean 😤

i mean, you see the youths today! 👀
They mixing the lean with the perk! 🚮
others getting high of the green while being a jerk🚭
they always on the lookout 🔭
For the flashes of the siren 👮🚔🚓

young Girls showing of there goody good 🙆
In the live stream 😔
it's like Puff ,puff pass from every fella in the hood💨💨
now All of ah sudden men ent no good 🙅

I'm trying to change my walk 💆
I'm trying to speak and talk 📣📝
About how they put our names 📋
On the black board with a white chalk
I to stay on the sidewalk ,
while I'm on my way to the coffee shop my final stop is all about the coffee brew.

✊ ( a voice to the people, a voice for the people )
© king_lyonspoems