

oh lord divine
Oh lord divine,
Help me with my confusion,
Truth is a lie, lies are truths,
What is this illusion.
You say the world is maya,
Your the divine,
Then why do we get dragged,
And feel the pain.
Once vivekanda said,
If people are stopping you at every turn,
Your on the right path,
Don't feel alarmed.
Wrong is right, right is wrong,
It is his yug, kaliyug they say,
Good people are harassed here,
No matter how good they say.
You say its maya, then how can I feel,
Their sharp nail digging into my soul.
Yes, you have given gita,
But when people follow through,
They loose their loved ones,
Who don't take you as their guru.
Even if you don't attack,
You must always protest,
That is what you had said,
Oh divine god, protesters only get death.
If I don't believe you,
I would die for sure,
Because there is nothing,
To live for in this world.
When I was young,
I thought life was a game,
Then I grew fond of taking your name,
I thought life was to collect knowledge,
Gain empathy and recite your name.
Then I found that, it's all in vain.
We are to be punished on earth.
For what should good people,
Remain good,
Are they making a sacrifice,
Or they were made a fool.
These are not any blames,
But questions in my mind,
Why do we feel hopeless,
Even when we are doing fine.
Oh lord divine, I need you in my soul,
Even if to tell me, don't lose your goal.
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