

Beautiful Soul Depleted
In this quiet realm, where joy is concealed,
A beautiful soul finds solace, revealed.
Depleted, weary from life's ceaseless fight,
Lost in the shadows, consumed by the night.

Yet within this darkness, a flicker of hope,
A fragile ember, refusing to elope.
A whispered melody, gentle and pure,
Guiding the soul to find solace and cure.

Oh, how dearly this beautiful soul craves,
The warmth of love, the solace it saves.
In the depths of despair, it longs to find,
A glimmer of light, a lifeline to bind.

For every tear shed and every heartache,
Lies strength untapped, waiting to awake.
Within this beautiful soul's fractured core,
An untold resilience, forevermore.

Let not despair cast its shadows so deep,
For hope lies dormant, waiting to sweep,
Across the heart's terrain, like a soothing breeze,
To heal the wounds and set the spirit at ease.

Oh, beautiful soul, in your weariness,
Remember, your strength surpasses duress.
Arise with wings of courage, emblazoned bright,
And reclaim the beauty that graced every night.

For though depleted, you still possess,
The power to rise, to mend and to bless.
May this ode to your journey ignite the flame,
And guide you to redemption, where joy reclaims.
© The Ugly Butterfly Co