

Monsoon of the Soul
#MonsoonPoem #Poem_Prompt

From a distance,
the incessant chant of monsoon from south west,
sounds like an old witch practising her craft;
A drizzling romance,
stirring those emotions lying dormant in my chest,
as they undulate in rhythm with the monsoon draft.

An inexplicable feeling,
burgeoning as I'm gently caressed by the petrichor,
every drop is a flood of emotions raining down;
And I'm reeling,
for the monsoon inundates my soul evermore,
as I drench in memoirs in this soggy gown.

This monsoon shower,
as they run down and permeate the pores of my skin,
soaked in pensiveness, the core of my very essence;
Standing beneath a bower,
I try to comprehend those sentiments clamouring within,
while stranded in the wilderness of reminiscence.