

Long-Term Damage
No matter how hard I hurt, I'll always love harder... Just remember that

Tears fill my eyes yet again, falling down my face
Tear ducts are begging to be plugged, they are tired from secreting tears
Eyelids raw from constantly being wiped, they burn
My head is pounding
Forehead shattered from slamming into every concrete wall over and
I'm supposed to forget you, but my mind won't let you go
Bald spots from pulling my hair out in fistfuls
My heart yearns to escape
I show you my love, you deny it.. Every piece
I must bleed internally, no one allows me to externally love them
Bruised from all the rejection, my heart is slowly refusing to beat anymore
I'm the only one to blame
Why must I continue to slowly kill myself?
My hands ache
Knuckles sore, writing out my feelings
Fingertips tire from texting my friends and asking for advice
My ears are closed
The only voice I want to hear is yours
Long-term damage
Damage that I've caused upon myself
I fear its too late to reverse it
At this point I don't care
Deep Down I feel neither did you
I've shown you my love in the dark
You were more interested in the fake light above
This is my goodbye
The sweetest goodbyes are never with smiles at all.