

Fantasy Queen’s Enchanted Realms
In realms of dreams, where magic gleams,
There dwells a Queen, of fantasies and schemes.
Her crown adorned with stars' golden sheen,
She reigns supreme, in realms unseen.

With eyes that hold the secrets untold,
Her heart, a tapestry of stories unfold.
In lands enchanted, her subjects find solace,
Under her rule, dreams find their promise.

Her voice, a melody that stirs the soul,
Whispering enchantments, making spirits whole.
She weaves illusions with a graceful hand,
Crafting wonders in her enchanted land.

In gardens blooming with ethereal hues,
The Queen dances amidst the morning dews.
Her laughter sparkles like the fairy's light,
Guiding dreams through the darkest night.

Oh, Queen of fantasy, majestic and fair,
You rule our hearts with an enchanting flair.
Your reign, a symphony of dreams and delight,
We bow to you, our Queen of endless flight.