

Exam room.
dry mouth
sweaty palms
itchy scalp
silence is silently drowning in the silence of the room
Too quiet to be quiet.
The ticking of the clock
fades into silence
as papers begin to roughly
Crash unto one another
desperately searching for
answers in blank pages
Sweat dripping down one's
forehead forming a path
that leads noway .
Wondering if you have inhaled or exhaled
Silently panicking for you have forgotten how to breathe ,
panic becomes fear
for failure has no place at home .
You wonder if death
feels like a silent burning
room with students
calculating their papers away .
You question your sanity for Three hours of calculating can drive
one of the Cliff.
Sweat dripes from the eyes for the pages before you
are as blank as given to you
and time is slipping
quicker than sand .
Silence becomes a loud radio
stationed by beating hearts.
it's too loud can they
all hear it for all eyes
have fallen unto one another
oh death where do
you slumber when one need you .
© zita