

My Dream
Fighting...., Fighting to the world, fighting to parents coz we don't share the same opinion, Fighting to my own self, Fighting to my thoughts, Fighting for right path, Fighting for direction, Fighting for future, Fighting to reach on top, Fighting for success....
My heart has dropped to it's lowest level, I'm sulking, having hard time...
Doing things reluctantly, coz I'm pressurized, I left my dream 5 year ago for doing this....,
wanna become something else but couldn't, because i have to fulfill someone's expectations & discharge someone's promise...., i feel miserable when i think about my dream, I left it alone, I betrayed it, I've trampled it down....
& today here I'm spitting it out loud, crying my eyes out,screaming my lungs out internally in my head, driving the guilt off that why I left it....
Tears are gliding through my cheeks, eyes are swollen, cheeks are red, lips are wet and pink, biting lips to prevent whine, hands are shivering....
Trynna resist conflicting thoughts.
watching myself into the mirror,
I can see intense rage in my eyes...(oh by the way the view of crying girl is beautiful. small red and wet eyes looks fascinating),
Now questioning myself - What do you Want? What u want to achieve?, Are you really putting all your efforts into it?
I'm totally messed up with these questions, Can i someday finna find my answers?
I'm lost in the world around me, it makes me hella insane....
But i can't be like this anymore, I've to make all the things right, and i'm hoping to get it back in my life.. Wow what a hopeful lil thing am i, despite the fact that i can't get it back i'm still hoping for it. (being a hopeful lil thing is good, we never know when our fate dazzles)
Now I wanna make it up to my broken self, wanna convince my dissatisfied heart, I need to do this...

Don't wanna become government's servant..., wanna set my own empire, wanna be the Queen....
and now i'm working hard for it..
I'm working on my capabilities, working on my talent, working on my hobbies, enhancing my artistic skills....
Yes I wanna become Artist, coz my heart is quagmire for it that i can't escape from!!
wanna become the artist whose art intrigue you all.., and the world..
When i move my body inorder to do any step, my heart starts pounding & it leads to another step.. my heart says- just do it, Just Dance, dance for your happiness, it's your Euphoria, you'll feel better after doing it..
When i create something, my creativity becomes beautiful diamond to my eyes, and such beauty isn't worth letting go, my hands & fingers compell me to draw or paint more, and yes i literally crave for it...I don't know what is with me and all these, but when I look into my art, it takes me to Utopia, and i just forget all my worries when i'm into it , and i couldn't help the smile that snuck its way onto my face,
It's my Paradise...
Art is something that suits my Persona, it describes me, its it's my Serendipity....
& now it became my Charm, i'm intoxicated, I wanna continue it till the last breath of my life, and i highly expect "People" will not restrain me doing this....

"The Amount of my Love for Art is as big as and as vast as the Millions of Galaxies in the whole Space...."

"The Depth of my Love is as deep as the Mariana Trench of Pacific Ocean...."

With all love this was dedicated to my Dream.....