

the celeberity wrapped around my finger
what if you find a famous celebrity drunk and collapsed at your doorsteps?
what would you do?
1.Wake them up?
2.Take a video and sell it for a good price?
3.Or, take a video and blackmail them for an even better price?
4.Or be a decent human and help them out of this state..

if you ask me...it depends on my mood that day.. for all intents and purposes, this is a joke. I'm a decent human, I would ofcourse lea-

Q- Anyway what about our main character?
A- somehow awakening the philanthropist inside her, she decided to do the latter.
...only to later find she has opened Pandora's box of an unresolved mystery. Or in other words, the mystery of a top model's disappearance, who is also her childhood friend.

this is a teaser to a story i want to write
© shahrazad