

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
The people are weary,
Scared and teary,
Waiting to hear how many victims and wondering who's next,
it's like a dream that never fades.

The cries of people are heard,
"Why did he have to die this way?''
"I couldn't even say a proper goodbye".
The heart of two are torn,
The hugs and kisses restrained,
'What have you heard?'
But there are " MASS FUNERALS"
Everyone with MASKS watching,
At least, something is trending,
Even when the economy is crashing.
The numbers are increasing,
We are forced to be disconnected yet we are connected through social media, doing our thing in hopes of reconnecting,
Thankfully, China is surviving,
The faintest light in this dark period has shone at last,
Hopefully, everything will end in good fate.