

The Power Of Word's
The darkest nights, the loneliest days,
You've faced them all, with brave displays.
But writing helps you find your way,
Through words of hope, your fears at bay.

You share your heart, in lines of verse,
Each word a part of your own universe.
Your readers feel your every thought,
Your strength, your pain, each line you've wrought.

Through words, you heal, you find release,
A sanctuary, where you find peace.
Your story told, your soul laid bare,
Your words have power

Your pain becomes a thing of beauty,
A lesson learned, your journey's duty.
You've walked a path of thorns and stones,
But words give wings, to reach your home.

Your words a light, a beacon bright,
To guide your way, in darkest night.
So write and write, your tale unfurls,
A journey told, to help the world.

Your words a gift, to all who read,
To find their strength, their needs are heeded.
So write, and write ✍️❤️.
© Jennifer