

How is it hurtful
I am not a thief
I only took what belongs to me
Just didn't ask your permission
Probably you gave it all long time ago
And I didn't notice
Your fake smile and your slow reply
"Have you eaten?" you asked as if you cared
I look weak, yet you didn't seems concerned
This heart of mine keeps pounding
And I long to tell you how much
But you've driven away and I'm left alone
I saw them as well, those who want me to stay
But in your eyes I see and my heart pound in it
Each time, with my phone to my chest and my eyes teary
I know you're gone I just can't accept it
I want to feel it again, but I guess I'm in it alone
My pillow my companion and my bed my enemy
Its tired of the tears I drop in it every day
I laughed as if it were funny
And I cried like I'll never again
Now the time had gone, and so is the pounding
I've cleaned my face, so is the teary
My pillow now rest, and my bed smiles at me
I laugh when I feel it and cry not again
And now you're back, back from your adventure
You want it back it's what you said but it's long gone
You looked at me and sneered, you said you want it back
I look at you and smile, was that coming from you
I'm sorry, my once love,this heart is gone
Its piece is healing, though might not look like it again
But it's long gone long before you know it
Now you said its hurtful is that what I heard
How is it hurtful tell me I want to hear

© Whitephoenix