

The Train Of Life
On the moving wheels
They travel to one destination
These people are passengers on board
The vehicle carries all kinds of emotions
It carries, happiness,sadness,confusion,love,hatred and skepticism
These emotions create an atmosphere

Quietness fills the entire place
Some of the passenger's minds go to sleep while others have theirs wandering
Nothing seems to bother the minds of these people

The earth does the honor of carrying the lonely wanderers
Who search but cannot find
Thousand legs move helter-skelter on the soil filled place
Some people are lucky, while others aren't
These people come from different worlds
Separated from the one we all find ourselves in

But deep down, one knows
Where he or she is from
A place of abode where he justifies his feelings and emotions
The Train of life tells us that,
Everybody is different and that nobody is perfect
And that's how it's going to be
So stick to who you are and never try to change anything.
© Selly Essman