


When I look into the mirror,

That face is not mine.

I , when, look up into the sky;

The sun seems to lost its shine.

Where-ever I see,

Only you appear every time

Yes, my heart craves for you

But you never asked if I was fine.

My summers were cold,

And winters were hot.

In your dreams,

All my soul was lost.

When I cried remembering you,

It was something more than love, I felt ;

No matter how much I burned for you,

But your heart, it never melt.

I kept on loving you

My cherry blossoms for you.

For you I was ready to erase my name,

Even if I knew , it was a loosing game.

All I want to tell you that

I regret for not being brave.

Begging you to fulfill my one last wish,

I hope that you will once visit my grave.

© Aries