

She was the other.
she was the other


she was the other
of the night
she was the paper
on which I could write

she owns forever
I only own me
she's the living
legend victim
of reality

I was told the idea was
to be ok
with everyone's
anything they had to say

the girls were the other
different than me

they lived smarter and better
and could fly
fly high

She was three moves ahead of everyone
I'm not putting her down

she was a mystery
I couldn't afford to be around

I'm not saying I'm better
I'm saying I don't understand

what makes a woman a woman
and a man a man

what is love
when do you know
when it's right?

the leaves lie
and die
on everything in sight

you got nothing plus nothing
if that's what you believe in

it's the voice that's telling you
"Skin for skin."

She was beautuful
and totally deceived

I told her the truth
she told me to leave

I really did love her
that was my mistake

I tried to her make into someone
that's what she couldn't take

what makes a woman
a woman and a man a man?

it's something people laugh about
rather than understand

I feel bad about the hurt
I feel bad about the loss
I feel about my life
and what it cost

maybe a poem might help
maybe it can't

maybe I can make it into
a song and dance

it would help if I didn't care
it would help if I didn't care

I'm so tired of living down here
It's time think about how to live
up in the air...
© R Becker