

That Thirteen Year Old
I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Whose life changed forever right after she stepped into teenage,
Not the way she wanted though..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Who had starry eyes and beautiful dreams,
But the dark nights took over that shine and forced her dreams to be just dreams..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Who strongly believed in the beauty of friendship and support,
But found only a few to lend a shoulder to lean on, in the toughest of her times..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Who saw her team as her family and loved them,
But had to get her heart broken when she realised that the void in her heart was felt by none..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Whose first love was sports,
But had to see that been snatched away from her, by cruel circumstances..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Who was dying from within,
While struggling to have a smile on her face..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Who found the monotonous hospitals, strict doctors and bitter medicines
In the place of her beautiful school, kind teachers and sweet friends..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Who believed that life was easy,
But soon realised that it was not..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old, Who wiped off her tears and moved on,
Just for the sake of her loved ones..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Who had to go through so much at a tender age,
And kept looking for a faint light in the dark tunnel of life..

I feel sorry for that thirteen year old,
Who thought that the tough times wouldn't last too long,
But is still battling those, to this very day..

And yet,

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who persevered somehow
And fought her every battle with faith and courage..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Whose fighting spirit almost died in the process,
But even life was taken aback when it relived..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who hung in there,
In the bleakest of times..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who held herself together,
When most around expected her to fall apart..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who has met discouraging people on her journey,
And has proved every single one wrong..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who has faced cruel reality at times,
But is still okay with it..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who has won back her first love,
And is cherishing it, every single moment..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who is grateful to have every single soul who stood by her side
And thanks God for incarnating in them..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who capitalised on her strengths,
To defeat her weaknesses..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who has made life her ultimate teacher,
And she knows why..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who has made poems and writings her sanctuary,
A place to confide in, a place far away from all worldly pains and struggles..

I'm proud of that thirteen year old,
Who still urges and motivates
her grown up self to fight on..


© Gayathri Mukund