

Things didn't go as we thought they would .
This is as far as we stood .
Promises are broken ,
Our souls are hurt .
You said you would run in the rain with me .
But when time came it just couldn't be .
Walking through fire together ,
Being their besides me forever .
All of these were blure words ,
They never truly meant anything .
I was just lost assuming we had something .
It's funny how it's only a little while till everything seems clear .
Only a matter of time till lies' end seems to be near .
This is what all along I feared .
Losing someone I cared for .
Today I say goodbye and part ways ,
For we can't walk together though difficult days .
Do I regret leaving you , you ask .
No for I can't make someone a priority when I am just a option to them .
I can't cry over someone who won't cry over me .
So anything but sorrowful over this is what I will ever be .

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