

Pink Diamond

Hard, sorta pink
My nickname
When I was a kid
Pink was the game

Pink pants
Pink shirts
Pink underpants
Pink skirts

Headbands to beads
On my hands
In the cover of books I like to read
Pink is me
Me is pink

It's not girly
For girls that hair's curly
It's unisexual
U should not be judged for a color you like, being picked on

It's not ok
The world is changing
But who am I to say
Things and people are aging

They say all lives don't matter until black lives matter
Is that a quote that all White privileged people believe

No I'm not being racial
But you must understand
The time we live in is crucial
In some places TikTok is being banned

So let's fight together
For what we know is right
For justice and equality we shall fight
Don't be sarcastic
We're not all fake like plastic

I know some care
And others can't bear
The thought of being deprived
Of their unfair justice

Black Lives Do Matter
And also remember:
Help Tik Tok not be banned

For in many places, it has been joy and happiness in this crucial time we live in!

© @Kacie-Ann McDermot