

We are halfway to hell…
How does one star stay stuck in your head?
Is he ready to completely give up?
or move away?
Did anyone ever give him a cup of blood over his door instead?
Rivers flow with blood, frogs from above, every first born will die from the hand above.
And Passover Us as we slept in silence.
Yea, we knew everything would be alright. Once we got to Israel we would meet our fight. But he came in the form of a Jew, what was I supposed to do? So I put my bag in the trunk and got into the backseat of his Subaru, and off we left with purpose.
His name was Salmir,
we were to call him Sammy. We did.

He told us the tour was free because he likes my face. But we could pay for it all later. I understand his hustle now.

Upon the hill just over there.
We saw the Dome of the the Rock,
Synagogue of Satan
The Liar’s Chair
Came, Saw Conquered.
Left them in Jerusalem
I accept no cash I only trade & barter.
This girl that I know what a fire starter.
lit a fire under my ass.
Ignition: On
All system go: Clear
Go for Launch:
I concur.
In a green limousine I’m making millions off you and your bullshit.
I’m sure you got some real green grass.

© Cody Cleen