

The Orphan Night
Sometimes Under wonders
I am sub-merged
Is it good to be good enough ?
Like all boated & I'm perched ??

Sometimes Under moon's light
In the dark of night
I embody all in the lonely lanes
and Hug the mysty wind

On the road ,bodies are getting born
The ashes are being told to lie
Something's turned into manything but for everything;
the dichotomies needs to die.

Sometimes at the empty tunnel
That approaches the forest
I sweat and scream for goats
Whose innocence has been arrested.

I want to cleanse my ``MINE``
Before I end me
Or I want to embrace me
For the " feel" I am having.

I am scared of, that I care for
Now shapes me in soil
With the deemed clock & those deadly plots
It Claps with the night's fall....
