

thanks for keeping me going
There are only few days left until this year ends,
So I wanted to write something special for you,
Thank you for being there and giving that helping hand,
There was so much on my mind and you read it helped me to find what's the truth,
You are the one who witnessed me crying,
Helped me to go through days when I was internally dying,
You are the reason I started smiling again,
Not the fake one not a smile as just a name,
Although I still can't sometimes get over it,
But now I know I'll have someone for help at every bit,
I'll be grateful to you forever,
After like eternity I found a real friend and a best friend that I don't think I'll again have a chance to get ever,
I've been through this since the start,
But you said "always remember how good you are"
You reminded me my goals and dreams,
Now there is someone to hold me when my tears are about to brim,
You're the best person I met this year,
You always say " I'm all ears",
I also wanna tell you that I'll never disappoint you,
I won't ever break the trust that you have,
You gave me the hope and a made me feel alive,
Made me realise the reason for my smile.
Thanks 😊
© Rink