

smashing lie detectors
truth is black and white.
the journey is kinda greayed.
fun or less fortunate.
but the search it outs for ones like kings.
the question isn't whether to trust the truth you get. it isn't even a question of trusting yourself or them.
some abuse self preservation.
some leave out for selfish reasons.
some for protecting innocence, but that's rarely the situation.
the question is why be scared to offer the truth.
says more about you.
shady on a snowy day.
I'd need the sun and heat. fire to melt my feelings.
if you're scared , don't talk.
even a half truth can sound stupid.
we are grown enough,
so what of mine do you need to keep abusing.
fucking character.
I don't have to defend the truth.
because of people like you.
but I get to.
it's painful to hear and know.
but it's like super growth.
I embrace it. feelings hurt now compared to blood on the hands of the mourning "just found out."...
that's almost unstitchable.
cowards. almost cute.
forgiveness from me has come out it's sheath.
tell me more about the half of you you're not afraid to face yourself.

I don't really care to nurture your feelings, though. for when do you learn. lies are selfish. unrighteous always too early. and stay out too late.
self preservation only exists within the truth. the actual truth. not in your personality complex of 'i hide the parts of me from you I hate."

what a waste of breath and life.
pumped up kicks.

all because of a little white lie.
© chorus chrubble