

Like the light strokes of a paint brush on the smooth milk surface of a sketchbook .
I carefully shaped you into a work of beauty, a work of wonder, a work worth seeing.
Like the angry bird being thrown to destroy it's opponents, I taught you to comquer all but your feelings.
For they tell the truth and rarely a lie.
Like the blind man sitting by the side of the dusty walk way in our tiny village.
I thought you to close your eyes, to all artosicities of your early life and bear the harsh reality of life.
But look at you now big and strong and mighty. You question the works of your creator, you bite the hands of your mediator.
Have I not done you well to show you nothing but the truth, why do you despise me for that.
Is not I who played the role of all who you needed in life, yet you forget me and toy with the people who barely know you, the Devil's trap.
I will not live you at all, no! I must not live you at all. You are my seed and I will grow you till I wither away, till I am certain you are wise enough.
oh!, it is hard, it is hard to learn that the true lover can never be truly loved for who they are. But I will wait.
I will wait for you my daughter, I will be there when you wish for a mother or a brother, I was there before and will be there after.
You are such a stubborn fellow.My dear child.