

I was going to stop writing sad articles and poems,but sadness rules a greater part of my life.
Loneliness is normal and my solitude is my fun,
I get scared to try out new things,
They become sure I'm a snob,
I've just become a coward scared of jumping free.

I say you can do anything if you can live alone,
but the inner battle fought with the pain that comes with knowing no one will ever get you,
No one would ever be there to stand for you if it's not obligatory,
Is ten times painful than a stab to the heart.

Everyone wants to be loved and feel special,
Not everyone is going to get it,
I had seen somewhere that said,
"Focusing on chasing wealth,makes you forget about relationships"
The feeling of emptiness will never end,
A girl with gross daddy issues,with a high taste in life,
And the incessant need to be free is imprisoned with the gates of hatred and impatience.

A phobia is only in the head,
what happens when a phobia wants to cost you your life?
she's terrified of commitments and deals with panic attacks more often than she has smiled,

At the end of the day,this poem makes no sense,
Holds no order and ability to attract a reader,
But here's the only place I pour out the pain,
without being asked why.
© Nehita baht