

Some genuine interest
Your text
has giving me the creeps.
That´s what you think,
that I bough my head and
crying my eyes out.
Of course I cry, I cry because
I must laugh so loud that I have
the thears in my eyes.

You are born to win,
I think that´s what you think.
Constantly showed how much money
you have. If you want to buy love
buy it, that´s only what I say.
She shall love you, only of your money.
Send me a postcard, on your weddingday,
I shall send you one back and wish you
tons of succes with your new wife.

I never marry a person who ain´t nice
I never begin a relationship with someone
I don´t like it was just a mistake, I thought
you where so nice but after a while you
showed me your trough colors, who you
really are, just a faker, number 441.
As I want a relationship with someone
or a marriage, than If I really should want
that than must I see someone in person.

I just say no to people bragging about their
money, bye sweetie buy a money honey.
I don´t care, succes with faking love you see,
not everybody believes you, don´t you understand,
if you don´t buy a plane and fly to never never land.
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