

A tree house
Write a poem on "A tree house"

In the quiet of the woods, where the sunlight softly streams,
Stands a tree house, a sanctuary, a place for dreams.
Its wooden walls embrace the trunk, high above the ground,
A secret refuge, a hidden gem, where peace and joy are found.

Up the ladder, through the hatch, a world of wonders await,
A cozy nook, a space to think, a place to contemplate.
Through the window, a view unfolds, of leaves and sky so blue,
A symphony of nature's beauty, a sight so pure and true.

In the tree house, time stands still, as whispers of the wind,
Tell tales of ancient forests, where dreams and reality blend.
Birds serenade with melodies, as they flit from branch to bough,
Their songs a gentle reminder, of the beauty that surrounds us now.

The rustle of leaves, the creak of wood, the scent of pine in the air,
In the tree house, all is calm, all is peaceful, all is fair.
A place to read, to write, to dream, to simply be,
In the heart of nature's embrace, where the soul is set free.

So if ever you seek solace, if ever you need to find,
A moment of quiet reflection, a sanctuary for the mind,
Look to the trees, to the branches that reach for the sky,
And you'll find a tree house, a haven, where your spirit can soar high.
© Santanu