

A one way ticket in my pocket
stuck in my throat
carrying the ghosts
of my past
wearing the coat of grief
I walk in search of peace.

The hurt & the pain
no more can i contain
You abandoned my love
and i don't know
from where to start
to fill up
the emptiness in my heart.

Please don't look away
my soul is still
it's my heart & mind that go astray.

Hold me tight
with all your might
Love me
before I freeze.

With each passing day
I hang out wishing,
everything will be okay.

I buy a one way ticket
to a sleepy town
to wipe off my blues
with no one around.

Warmth is what I lack
Once I go, do know
I am never coming back.

© Bindu
#poetrylovers #poetrycommunity #writco #writer #goodbye #poem