

Euthanasia// caption//
(A weighing balance of life and death / heart and brain)

Under the blinking screens with
Waves of each Crest and trough
Beeping with the beat of her heart
She sleeps wearing the ventury masks
Filling the oxygen in each breath
To her lungs
I waited outside the ventilator room
Where air is filled with the pangs of mysery
Her etiolated body fallen
In the hole of a deep tranced sleep
Forgetting all her grief
Drips of painkillers fluxing
Through her veins
Suppressed her pain for transient time
My tireless eyes is reminiscing
Her smile filled with Felicity
Her eyes speaking love to me
Her dimples covering her sweet blush
The Glee in her face on our wedding day adorned in the beautiful white gown and her finger embellished
With our nuptial ring
Each day we lived
tied in each other's oddities
Into the day when she was plucked
From me by the play of fate
Of an accident
Leaving her tied behind the hospital walls
Each beat and breath clinged
To the life assisting machines
Her Drowsied eyes never opened
To see me again
I waited long and long each day by day
For her words to call me
A sudden attack of tremor
With frothing mouth and tonic body
She collapsed again in her bleaky fight
When hopes turned to a margin line
And her life turned to an forbidden fruit
I was shot with a question of
Taking the last breath from her
My heart stabbed with the knife
Of her bleeding memories never
Wanted to let her go
But my brain filled in the
Thought of her freedom from this
Trenchant pain of futile existence
Under the shackles of the ventilator
My wounded soul became a
Weighing balance of brain and heart
My heart weighed more
But it gave the way to the brain
Leaving behind it's selfishness
To keep her with me
Blindfolded to her perennial agony
I saw the last effort for breath
In her face as they pulled the hope of life Out of her
Releasing the freedom to her soul
To fly away far...