

I watch her fade:
The shell I used to know now reduced to
A concept or lie
A diseased caused hole in my brain but-
I know she wasn't always like this
A former being we loved to talk to

Nobody else knows for
They snap at me, strong accusations: insane
But I won't believe them when they don't know her name
Alone, always I watch her fade
To float over and shine as I beg for more:
To help in silence, as did the loops I endured
Maybe this will be the one? I cried

And so did she, a magic, a force
A deceit? A truth
She forced, she saw, shoved the idea into the hole in my head
The former girl that nobody ever knew
But I, to form a devil, to equal a goddess?
I look back at her and she motions forwards:
You only see one: alone together we look at you

© Sam Hunter