

Agony of lost
The pain is deep, like a knife that cuts, My heart is breaking, I've lost all trust.
The sorrow lingers, lingering still,
Stuck inside, no way to fill.
The clock is ticking, time stands still,
The world is frozen, my heart is chill.
The night is dark, the stars are bright, Alone I sit, in my sorrow's plight.

Grief is like a shadow, dark and deep,
It follows me, I cannot keep.
The wind is whispering, the rain is sobbing,
The night is weeping, my heart is throbbing.
The silence rings, I hear no sound,
The darkness screams, it's all around.
I heard a tapping at my chamber door, Just like the raven in Poe's lore.

But when I looked, there was nothing there,
Just the wind, whispering through the air.
My mind is a maze, with twists and turns,
I can't find my way, the path is spurned.
I stumble and fall, I'm lost in the dark,
No light to guide me, no beacon to spark.
In this maze of sadness, I feel so alone, No path to follow, no way back home.

My head is an iron,with power and hot
I can’t locate my coolness m, the wire had rot
The riddle is hard to solve
But the answer is soft
The answer was simple, it was within me,
All I had to do was open my heart, and see.
The maze was my own, the path was my choice,
I found my way home, my voice found its voice.
© Plucky