Suffer no longer me again
You Muse of lines in verse
you've crowned the Head
king over the body
you've wore the legs sandals against injuries
you've purified the minds for the heart
you're a Man my dear poetry.
Sorrowful no longer me again
for I am wholly
because you're worthy
making me a Daniel in Den living in.
Left, Right forever forward match
as longer as enemies sleepless night
poetry sleeps even not at night
poetry rides a knight
living beyond the skies.
On poetry's wings
let the living flies
let the sorrowful smiles
let the living war dies.
Suffer no longer me again
every cleared conscience should be mad
for there's no stone on the hearts
does a bullet go through their hearts?
you're a double trouble judgement
sitting not in Nigerian's court
far beyond roof and tree
deep beneath the Earth and grave.
Suffer no longer me again I pray.
© Okpohoudeme Promise Ita